Message Types
Access request from your application to the user.
After this command is issued, game bot will send a notification to the user containing authorization code. If one agrees to grant you access, it will pass this code to your application.
// outbound queue
"action": "createAuthCode",
"payload": {
"userId": 1234567 // subjects Telegram userId
In case of a success, your application will get following message.
// inbound queue
"uuid": "b9qvvgtk324j2d8gdqjg", // request correlationId
"action": "createAuthCode",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"userId": 1234567 // subjects Telegram userId
Exchange auth code for access token.
Having the access code, your application should obtain access token, in order to work with most of the API methods. As of now token lifetime is unlimited.
// outbound queue
"action": "grantToken",
"payload": {
"userId": 1234567, // subjects Telegram userId
"authCode": "12345" // authorization code, entered by user
// inbound queue
"uuid": "b9qvvgtk324j2d8gdqjg", // request correlationId
"action": "grantToken",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"userId": 1234567, // telegram user id
"id": "53f3e27a124e01dcdd77de45995bf0db", // in-game user id
"token": "abcdefgh12345768" // access token to be used further
Sends request to broaden tokens operations set to user.
In case your other action failed with Forbidden
result, your application may fire this action to ask it from user.
NB: Do not spam with this request or sanctions will follow.
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdefgh12345768", // target user access token
"action": "authAdditionalOperation",
"payload": {
"operation": "GetUserProfile" // requested operation
// inbound queue
"uuid": "baa5u2tk324isodm85og",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"operation": "GetUserProfile",
"userId": 1234567
Completes the authAdditionalOperation
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdefgh12345768", // target user access token
"action": "grantAdditionalOperation",
"payload": {
"requestId": "baa5u2tk324isodm85og", // requestId of parent authAdditionalOperation
"authCode": "707666" // code supplied by user for this requestId
// inbound queue
"action": "grantAdditionalOperation",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"requestId": "baa5u2tk324isodm85og",
"userId": 1234567
Sends authorization request to user with confirmation code in it.
After the authorizePayment command is issued the user will receive forementioned confirmation code which one should pass to the application in order to confirm his willing to transfer the gold/gold pouches to application’s account.
NB: For now the only possible currency is pouches
NB2: In case of payments with gold pouches the application balance will be debited with 100 gold per pouch
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "authorizePayment",
"payload": {
"amount": {
"pouches": 5 // hold amount
"transactionId": "7ce30f94-3a8b-4a42-9f28-b2b1220e4a3c" // applications internal transaction id, must be unique
// inbound queue
"uuid": "b9qvvgtk324j2d8gdqjg", // request correlationId
"action": "authorizePayment",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"fee": {
"gold": 4 // comission amount
"debit": {
"gold": 496 // the application balance amount will be debited with
"userId": 12345678 // subjects Telegram userId
Previously, transfers held an amount of gold from users account to application’s balance.
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "pay",
"payload": {
"amount": {
"pouches": 5 // payment amount
"confirmationCode": "1234", // confirmation code, from previous authorizePayment request
"transactionId": "7ce30f94-3a8b-4a42-9f28-b2b1220e4a3c" // applications internal transaction id, must be unique
// inbound queue
"uuid": "b9qvvgtk324j2d8gdqjg", // request correlationId
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "pay",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"fee": {
"gold": 4 // comission amount
"debit": {
"gold": 496 // the application balance amount will be debited with
"userId": 12345678 // subjects userId
Transfers of a given amount of gold (or pouches) from the application’s balance to users account.
NB: The message will be sent in HTML parsing mode, in case of bad formatting the user will not receive any message at all. Pay attention.
NB2: Do not abuse. Do not send links/spam/scam, otherwise your account will be blocked.
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234",
"action": "payout",
"payload": {
"transactionId": "7ce30f94-3a8b-4a42-9f28-b2b1220e4a3c", // applications internal transaction id, must be unique
"amount": {
"pouches": 5 // amount of gold pouches application wishes to transfer to user
"message": "You have won 500💰" // arbitrary message, limit - 100 symbols
// inbound queue
"uuid": "b9qvvgtk324j2d8gdqjg",
"action": "payout",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"userId": 12345678 // subject Telegram userdId
Request current info about your application. E.g. balance, limits, status.
Good for testing purposes.
// outbound queue
"action": "getInfo"
// inbound queue
"action": "getInfo",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"balance": 1231242 // your current applications balance
Request the list of recipes known to user.
NB: Requires ViewCraftbook
operation to be allowed for token
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "viewCraftbook"
// inbound queue
"action": "viewCraftbook",
"result": "Ok",
"userId": 12345678,
"payload": {
"alchemy": [],
"craft": [{
"id": "33",
"name": "Metal plate",
"price": 1
}, {
"id": "19",
"name": "Steel",
"price": 1
}, {
"id": "505",
"name": "Wooden arrows pack",
"price": 1
}, {
"id": "24",
"name": "Purified powder",
"price": 1
}, {
Request brief user profile information.
NB: Requires GetUserProfile
operation to be allowed for token
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "requestProfile"
// inbound queue
"action": "requestProfile",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"profile": {
"atk": 78,
"castle": "🦌",
"class": "⚒",
"secondaryClass": {
"class": "📦",
"lvl": 88
"def": 145,
"hp": 122,
"maxHp": 1377,
"exp": 108785,
"gold": 137,
"guild": "No Correlation",
"guild_tag": "NaN",
"guild_emoji": "👬",
"lvl": 35,
"status": "Busy",
"action": "Quest",
"mana": 880,
"pouches": 10,
"stamina": 4,
"userName": "WolperTinger"
"userId": 12345678
Request basic user stats.
Base attack and defence (equipment bonuses are not included) and current class.
NB: Requires GetBasicInfo
operation to be allowed for token
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "requestBasicInfo"
// inbound queue
"action": "requestBasicInfo",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"profile": {
"class": "⚒",
"atk": 78,
"def": 145,
"userId": 12345678
Request user’s current outfit.
Keep in mind, that slot names and their amount can be changed without any notice.
NB: Requires GetGearInfo
operation to be allowed for token
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234", // access token
"action": "requestGearInfo"
// inbound queue
"action": "requestGearInfo",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"gearInfo": {
"head": {
"name": "Steel Helmet",
"atk": 1,
"def": 3
"weapon": {
"name": "Trollhammer",
"stam": 10,
"luck": 3,
"atk": 87,
"def": 113,
"loot": 3,
"condition": "Normal",
"quality": "Excellent"
"ammo": {
"Silver Arrows": 77
"userId": 12345678
Request users stock information.
NB: Requires GetStock
operation to be allowed for token
// outbound queue
"token": "1c5c036f2b851a8a7ac9ed485295cf86",
"action": "requestStock"
// inbound queue
"action": "requestStock",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"stockSize": 1700,
"stockLimit": 4000,
"stock": {
"Bone": 239,
"Charcoal": 158,
"Cloth": 1,
"Cloth jacket": 1,
"Coal": 112,
"Flour": 1,
"Iron ore": 1,
"Leather": 2,
"Milk": 663,
"Mithril shield": 1,
"Pelt": 45,
"Pouch of gold": 2312,
"Powder": 271,
"Steel boots": 1,
"Stick": 105,
"String": 4,
"Thread": 131,
"Torch": 1
"itemCodes": {
"04": "Bone",
"06": "Charcoal",
"09": "Cloth"
// ...
"userId": 12345678
Request users guild information. Common info and stock. Excluding roster.
NB: Requires GuildInfo
operation to be allowed for token
// outbound queue
"token": "1c5c036f2b851a8a7ac9ed485295cf86",
"action": "guildInfo"
// inbound queue
"action": "guildInfo",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"tag": "OOF",
"level": 9,
"castle": "🦌",
"emoji": "👬",
"glory": 19287,
"members": 32,
"name": "Out Of Fuel",
"lobby": "We hack, we slash, we duck, we dash!",
"stockSize": 1700,
"stockLimit": 4000,
"repair": false,
"stock": {
"Bone": 239,
"Charcoal": 158,
"Cloth": 1,
"Cloth jacket": 1,
"Coal": 112,
"Flour": 1,
"Iron ore": 1,
"Leather": 2,
"Milk": 663,
"Mithril shield": 1,
"Pelt": 45,
"Pouch of gold": 2312,
"Powder": 271,
"Steel boots": 1,
"Stick": 105,
"String": 4,
"Thread": 131,
"Torch": 1
"itemCodes": {
"04": "Bone",
"06": "Charcoal",
"09": "Cloth"
// ...
"roles": ["Bartender"],
"userId": 12345678
Issues an wtb order on behalf of user.
// outbound queue
"token": "abcdef12312341234",
"action": "wantToBuy",
"payload": {
"itemCode": "20", // the code of an item
"quantity": 5,
"price": 5, // desired price
"exactPrice": true // try to buy exactly for given price, fail otherwise
// inbound queue
"action": "wantToBuy",
"result": "Ok",
"payload": {
"itemName": "Leather",
"quantity": 5,
"userId": 1234567